
The main objective of GEAA is to promote, increase and to disseminate the scientific-technical knowledge of Adhesion and Adhesives for universities, research centres, manufacturers and users, equally favouring relations between its members. To such aim, the activities carried out by GEAA include:

1. Annual Conference on Adhesion and Adhesives. This congress is not only a meeting point for the exposition and dissemination of research work linked with adhesives and adhesion phenomena; but also favours the bringing together of interested researchers within this field. Moreover this congress is the only event in Spain which gathers industrials and scientists of this field.

The congress is attended by scientists, technicians and students, all of them involved in a way in the different areas of adhesion and adhesives technology: synthesis and formulation of the adhesive systems, characterization techniques, adhesive applications of industrial interest, adhesive joints design, material surface treatments, durability, ageing and degradation processes, modelling and simulation of adhesive joints, bioadhesion and bioadhesives, nanotecnology applied to adhesives, etc

Until now, fourteen editions of this Congress have been held, which have been organized by different GEAA members.

Moreover, within the framework of the Congress, GEAA awards the diploma of “The Best Paper presented in the Congress on Adhesion and Adhesives”.


2. Workshops and specialized courses. The courses organized so far are the following:

- General course on Adhesion

- Structrual Adhesive Joints

- Adhesives in the wood industry

- Adhesives in the building sector

- Bonding and sealing technologies in Renewable Energies

- Adhesion and adhesives in composites.

- Bioadhesion, Bioadhesives y Natural Adhesives

- Adhesive Joints in Ground Transportation Vehicles

- Nanotechnology and adhesives

- Bonding technologies for Nautical Applications

- Bonding technologies for Automotive Industry


3. Periodic newsletter. This publication is of major importance in the field of Adhesion and Adhesives (courses, conferences, standardization, projects, books, scientific papers, awards, etc).


4. Active collaboration in specialist training. GEAA members collaborate in teaching for the European qualifications for adhesive Engineers and Specialists given by the EWF (European Welding Federation).


5. GEAA added value. GEAA members participate actively in national and international standardization Committees; belong to Scientific Committees in international conferences, belong to Editorial Advisory board of different scientif jounals, collaborate as author with scientific and technological dissemination books, belong to accredited laboratories, etcal y europea, pertenecen a Comités Científicos de Congresos internacionales, participan como autores en libros de divulgación científica y tecnológica, pertenecen a laboratorios acreditados, etc.



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Grupo Español de Adhesión y Adhesivos (GEAA)