You will hear a man and a woman talking about vacation. 16 C 17 C 18 B 19 B 20 A.

You will hear a man and a woman talking about vacation. Who is he talking to? A a client B a student C a janitor.

You will hear a man and a woman talking about vacation. For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space. You will hear a man speaking on the telephone. You will hear a woman called Julie and a man called Greg talking about an indoor wildlife centre they have visited. In fact, I’ve already had a quick look online and seen a few special offers. B She feels 3 You hear a man talking to another person. You will hear a man talking about a day trip. What does she think about this? A She is glad it will not take place. Write ONE word or a number, a date, a time. Well Giles, what is currently happening in the Cumberland dry-dock dispute is nothing new. Simon asks other drivers for advice ! You will hear a woman talking on the radio about a new sports centre. What job did the man hire somebody else to do? A building the furniture B painting the room C making the window 4 Part 2 Questions 9 – 18 You will hear part of a talk about a bank robbery that was discovered by Robert Rowlands, in London in 1971. 17 You will hear two friends talking about a drawing course. Not since Geoff got round to fitting the Woman: I agree with you. For each question, put a tick ( ) in the correct box. It’s been a while since I went to the theatre. C He was inexperienced. I haven’t finished my project yet. He’s a lot younger than the last doctor, and very caring. 8 A 9 A 10 C 11 B 12 B 13 A. 5 You hear a woman planning to go to a beauty parlour. Well, I’m not in the slightest bit bothered about the cold weather this year. For each question, choose the correct answer. Where did she go? 17 You will hear a man talking. 8 B 9 C 10 C 11 A 12 B 13 A. How did she feel when she first started her classes? You will hear people talking in eight different situations. What is she doing there? 1 You hear a man talking about an ancient object he found in the ground. You will hear a man called Simon Webster talking about being a racing driver. Different services are available like exercises, videos, intensive courses, private classes, online tutor support, self evaluation and many others. Toggle navigation Exam English Home; Cambridge; Key (KET) Reading and writing; Listening; Speaking; Key for Schools; Level Test; CEFR; Free Practice Tests for learners of English This is a longer dialogue with five gaps to complete. I certainly haven’t the energy to put up tents and cook outdoors. C She should have been told sooner. B he decided to record his find. 16 You will hear a teacher talking to a student. Where are they? A a library B a historic house C an art gallery 3. 1 You hear two friends talking about a hiking trip. If it is correct, put a tick in the box under A for YES. Man: Are you and Sarah going straight to the restaurant from work tonight?. Chloe: Oh! Hi, my name is Chloe Martin. If it is not correct, put a tick in the box under В for NO. You hear a woman telling a friend about her job in a supermarket. And we didn’t catch anything either You hear a tour guide talking to a group of people. You will hear a conversation between a man and a woman at home. What skill must you have if you want the job? A an ability to deal with complaints 3 You hear a man talking to another person. 3. 2 You hear a man talking on the radio about a bag made for use on walking trips. Anyway, I gave in to pressure and took forever researching the best place to 16 You will hear a woman talking to her friend about a meal at a restaurant. What was she doing there this morning? A working on the checkout В filling the shelves C serving at the fish counter. C he wanted to know what it was. Man: So, are you ready for the theatre this evening?I can’t wait. Man: Let’s go and order some coffee from him after basketball practice!. Man: For those of you who love watching films, let me tell you about a new outdoor summer cinema that opens later this week. What does he say about them? A They dislike cleaning tasks. C They help to decide the menu. Which pair of shoes does she buy? Woman: Have you got these brown shoes in size 7?. C She made new friends. 1 You hear a restaurant manager talking about the cooks who work for him. 17 You will hear a man and a woman talking. You could predict exactly what was going to happen. This wasn’t the bottleneck you get when you come off the motorway, and anyway we were travelling towards London, not away from it. There are two questions for each extract. 1 You hear a man and a woman talking about a department store. Boy: Well, I’ve been to that museum several times with Mum and Dad so it’s not as if I’m going to see all the exhibitions for the first time. How did the woman feel about her holiday on a cruise ship? A She regretted that the stops had been so short. You will hear a man and a woman talking about a room in the man's house. B He now keeps business trips short. You hear a man talking on the radio about Question 11 Eleven. What is she doing there? 11 You will hear two friends talking about a new doctor. C He always travels in business 9 You will hear two colleagues discussing their holiday travel plans. Who is he talking to? A a client B a student C a janitor. What does he suggest? A eating a large breakfast You will hear a man speaking on the telephone. Woman: Is he OK? How did that happen? Man: He wasn’t careful! I told him he was too close to the water. You will hear two friends talking about a play they've just seen. 2 minutes long. Man: What did you have? Woman: Well, it was a steak restaurant, but there were other things on the menu, too, like fish and pasta. What does the woman say about advertisements? You will hear a woman asking for information about a festival. В a bicycle. Audioscript. 4 You will hear a man telling his friend about a skiing holiday. 4 You hear a woman and her neighbour talking. Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. You hear a man talking about healthy eating. Girl: But I have! And I’ve even cleaned my shoes. Extract One You hear spouses talking about their weekend plans. You can listen to the audio twice. You can listen to the audio 2 You are listening to the radio when you hear this man speaking. You will hear a man called Karl, and his wife Jenny, talking about the holiday they have just had. PART 3 Man: Are you happy about your move to the city? You hear the beginning of a talk in a community centre. Answer the questions based on what you hear. Man: I’ve got to make an appointment with that new doctor tomorrow. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C. What is the EFSET TEST, Listenning Part: You will hear a man and a woman talking about vacations. M: Oh, the other one not wearing glasses?. Subject: office design. 2 You hear a man talking about a car journey he made recently. Robert: Yes, I am. Woman: This is the information line for the Dorset Chocolate Museum; the home of chocolate lovers and the ideal place to spend an afternoon. 2 You hear a woman talking about a 6 playground 7 Williams 8 12. You will hear an interview with a woman called Lucy Rainbow, who is talking about her job as a painter. 5 You hear a woman talking about crossword puzzles. 00 9 6. Man: Woman: Man: Woman: Man: Woman: I'm never going skiing again! Why? You looked like you were having a good time in the photos I saw on the You will hear a woman talking to a friend about her recent move to a city. [Pause] Now we are ready to start. C it’s a career that offers incentives for industrious people. Woman: They have to be – to live in those hot dry places. Man: Thank you. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, В or C) which fits best according to what you hear. 7 You hear a man and woman talking about a flat they are considering renting. 6 You turn on the rad io and hear a man talking about modern life. You can play the recording TWO times. Meeting will be: 6. Man: We’ve got those in all sizes, too. The size of the cinema screen is fantastic, and the quality of the sound system is so good you forget that you’re You'll hear a woman talking to a man about joining a drama club. PART 3 Man: Are you happy about your move to the city? 16 You will hear a teacher talking to a student. F: Yes, that’s him. 18 You will hear a girl talking about going to school. 9 You will hear two friends talking about a You will hear a woman leaving her colleague a message about a meeting. 1 B 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 B. B They have a choice of jobs. What animal did he ride? Woman: What was it like? Man: Fantastic! You’re high up, so it’s scary! Woman: Are they friendly? Man: Not really, and they smell! But they’re so strong. 17 5 / five 18 picnic 19 CITYENTS. Why does You will hear two neighbours, a woman, Natasha, and a man, Colin, talking about running. 8 You will hear a brother and sister talking about a gift for their cousin. What does he think she might need? A tablets to stay calm B a heart operation C new glasses 4. Man : I’ve been watching that programme on TV about moving to the countryside. Man: David told me he had the pasta. Woman: Goodbye. What has he lost? 18 You will hear two friends talking. Listening Part 5 Questions 21-25. 5 What does the man say about his job? A You need to have a degree to get a promotion. 8 A 9 B 10 A 11 B 12 B 13 C. Fill out a form. You hear a woman talking about a concert being cancelled. What is the woman’s reaction to the man’s idea? A She has some reservations about it. 6 You hear a woman talking about moving to Scotland. Audioscripts. These green ones are similar and we’ve got them in all sizes. For questions 19-23 , choose from the list ( A-H ) what each speaker wants to do 16 You will hear a woman talking about her day. Woman: Oh hi, John, it is you! I thought so – I’d You will hear five short extracts in which university students are talking about their next summer vacation. Man: Woman: Man: Woman: Man: Woman: That play was really great, wasn't it? I thought the second half was a bit less interesting than the first. Goodbye. What is the man worried about? A lack of adequate climbing experience B lack of oxygen on the mountain C lack of appropriate equipment. So I am here to tell you everything you need to know about us. 2 You hear two friends talking about advertising. Where has the man been? Woman: Oh, you’re back. Woman: Oh hi, John, it is you! I thought so – I’d recognise that jacket anywhere. Call: 6. Listen and complete questions 16-20. It’s been set up in the hills with beautiful views in all directions. Where did his additional funding come from? 2 You hear a 11 You will hear two friends talking about living in the countryside. Man: I’ve been on an elephant 1 You hear someone talking about women’s football. Questions 14 – 19 You will hear a teacher talking about some visitors coming to speak at the school. B If you want a promotion you will have to go into management. I work with him and he said you're a member of Nickbry drama club. My children kept asking to go camping, but when I take a vacation, I just wanna do nothing. If it is correct, 1 B 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 C 6 B 7 C. Woman: What about these black ones?. 3. Man: You know it’s always been my favourite. I’ve been serious about photography for about a year, maybe a year and a half, but I’ve been taking photos ever since I was little. com. News travels fast in a small village, I suppose, so Instructions to candidatesIn the actual test you will be given the following instructions:do not open this question paper until you are told to do sowrite yo Man: Such a shame, but you’re absolutely right – even if it isn’t an expensive place to eat. In Part The old, print-friendly test Part 1 You will hear people talking in eight different situations. M: Village Cinema is opening on the 1st of June and will stay open for the summer still September 15th. For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Woman: Yes, I’m really excited too. Doctor Collins. A has found You will hear a man called Chris Graham talking to a group of students about a vacation job he had in Australia. 6 What is the woman’s opinion of the man? You hear a man talking about a teacher. What does she think about this? Questions 8 – 13 You will hear a man talking on the radio about a number of local sporting events happening over the next week. Don’t forget your student ID, will you? They always ask to see it before they give you the student discount. 17 8 / eight 18 10 / ten 19 bag. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B or C. If it is correct, choose the You will hear someone talking about trends in 21st century communication. 19 You will hear a man talking about his holiday to his friend. 1 You hear a man talking about flying long distance. News travels fast in a small village, I suppose, so 14 history 15 other sweets 16 January. What does he say about her work? A Her homework and project were both excellent. Man: I hear your brother got the job, Jenny. Female: 1000 miles away from you my man” R&B song late 1990s or early 2000s i need help finding a new song that goes like rhythm goes something like this talking , sleeping , nonsense , drinking, i really wanna cry sometimes But in the song you can hear a police siren very beginning and there raping about a female probably saying be 6 You hear a woman talking about a concert being cancelled. The man took the object to a museum because A he thought it might be valuable. Jack, is that right – you started out taking photos of street signs? Jack: That’s right. You now have 20 seconds. What does he criticise about it? A the way the paintings were displayed. What will the talk be about? A local history В transport problems C modern agriculture. M: Oh, you mean that man with no hair?. She doesn’t know where the restaurant is, you see. What does the woman want her neighbour to do? A look after a pet B feed her child C water her plants. 1 You hear a man talking about how his business became successful. You hear a man talking about a band he saw at 8 A 9 C 10 A 11 C 12 A 13 A. C a car. They’ve written the lyrics and music for her new album together. He wants to buy A a motorcycle. Choose the best answer for each questions. 3 You hear a man talking about an art exhibition. 1 Who is the woman’s teacher?. What the For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C. I don’t know what the problem was. Website: www. C the lack of information about the paintings 4 You hear a radio announcement about a job vacancy. Girl: Are you looking forward to the school trip tomorrow?. 99 10 5644300. What did the girl enjoy most about the course? A The teacher was great fun. 1 Who is Jenny’s brother?. If it is correct, choose the letter A for YES. You will hear a telephone conversation between a woman and a man who works for a holiday company about a holiday she would like to go on. You will hear three different extracts. You will hear a man telling his friend about a skiing holiday. You will hear the conversation twice. Robert: Hello Robert Gladwell, speaking. 8 You will hear two friends talking about a trip to the theatre. 5. Jenny: Good idea!And after that, we can go to the shoe shop on the corner. What is the purpose of the project? A to reduce the amount of litter on a town’s streets B to increase the inhabitants’ awareness of recycling C to stop shopkeepers using plastic bags for customers’ purchases 6. C She found t he other passengers un interesting. Man: Only in 6 ½ and 7 ½, I’m afraid. Woman : That one about people who Man: That’s nice, but why don’t you get one on Friday when you’re in town? Woman : Because he’s 60 on Thursday, and I want to give him his present on his birthday. Int: Jack Salter is a young Canadian who has just won the young photographer of the year competition. Really? I wasn't sure how it would end. She’s got real talent, and she’s very creative. Woman: I’ve finally decided on my holiday plans. For each question, fill in the missing information in 8 C 9 C 10 A 11 B 12 B 13 A. What did the teacher encourage him to do? To read more quickly; To do some acting; To travel abroad; You hear a woman talking about her studies at the Beijing Opera School. 1. I read an interview with her and she said that she’s been working with a songwriter lately. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, В or C). 1 Where will the woman go first after work?. 17 You will hear a man talking about to his friend about a photograph. B She thought the accommodation was inadequate. For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C). My Vacation Job in Australia. Swanton is on the coast – you can see the harbour from here – but in fact the town is built along the river Dean. You will hear people talking in eight different situations. Do you know who used cocoa beans as money in the 16th century, or where chocolate was drunk as a medicine? At the Dorset Chocolate Museum, 14 hills 15 sunset 15 cushion. What does he say about it? A He still finds some trips challenging. You hear a man talking about saving money. I was given your name and phone number by Ben Winters. What to prepare: 6. What did she eat? Man: Did you enjoy your meal last night? Woman: It was delicious. Important Meeting. 16 C 17 C 18 B 19 B 20 A. Man : Oh, OK. You will hear Lisa talking to her friend Robin about finding a place to live. B She learned a lot of new things. You will hear a man talking on the telephone about a party. How did she feel after seeing it? A confused В frustrated C sad. The cinema is located opposite Green Park at the corner of Oxford and White Street. Did you have a good time? Man: Well, Barney fell into the water and got wet, so then he wanted to come home. 3 You are sitting in a cafe when you hear this woman speaking. You hear a woman talking about a new film. B the number of paintings in the exhibition. Have you seen him yet? Woman: Yes, I went to the clinic a couple of weeks ago. . 8 You will hear a brother and sister talking about a school trip to a museum. Woman: I think she’d like a microwave. 1 What was in the woman’s bag? 2 Which film is the man talking about? 3 What should the woman do first? 4 What is David going to do this 1 You hear a man talking about crime fiction. C Her project was good, but her homework was better. I hope he doesn’t come this way. What about you? Man: Well, actually, I’m going to Greece next week. Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. You will hear two people talking about the man’s job as a prison officer. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences. He wants to speak to Miss Dixon, but she is not there. You hear a woman talking to her doctor. I need some smart shoes for my new job. If it is not Choice A is mentioned, but the man is asking if she needs to take a "vacation day". Jenny: Yes. Jack: Yes, the top of this hill is the best place to see the area. First, you have some time to Man: Such a shame, but you’re absolutely right – even if it isn’t an expensive place to eat. Man: So what do you think we should give our cousin Lucy for her birthday?She’s just moved into her new apartment. You can also find Business concepts, grammar, Use Of English, Speaking elements, Street talk. B It should be re-arranged for a later date. Decide if each sentence is correct 5 You overhear a man and a woman talking about holidays. F: No silly!The one standing next to him, the man with a beard. 16 You will hear a woman shopping for shoes. 6. F: Oh, look Tom!It’s my English teacher over there. there are 10 questions. 2 You hear two students talking about maintaining traditions. What is she doing when she speaks? A encouraging young girls to support a team B suggesting how to attract young girls to the sport C asking young girls to take the sport seriously. B Her project was excellent, but her homework was not very good. I think she produces better music when she writes her own songs. They agree that A we should come up with new celebrations. You hear a man being interviewed about a new project he has set up in his home town. 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 B. 12 You will hear two old friends talking at a party. Woman: Actually, I’m leaving work early because I need to do some shopping in the market, and I’m going to meet Sarah after that outside the cinema. It’s only part-time because he’s still at school. Woman: You can’t go out, Ruby, if you haven’t finished your school work. Interviewer: Oh, what a wonderful view!I’m here with Jack Williams, who’s telling me about his home town of Swanton. 1 You hear a woman talking about her job. 1. You will hear a student called Ahmet Kaya talking about his vacation job, which involves working at night. trzll gjl ywxyrj iyc mzwkhxs jrhuhe yaksatb cjqyny kmawd nhgi